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Family offices

Family offices

Administrative and financial back office

Nexia S&A has been advising and assisting Family Offices for many years in the management of their real estate and financial investments and domestic staff, with regard to accounting, tax, human resource administration and legal matters.

Our clients

Areas of expertise

Book-keeping services

Personal taxation

Human resource management for domestic staff

We take into account the specificity of domestic staff, particularly in accordance with the applicable collective bargaining agreement, state benefits or MSA.

Legal matters

Single contact

Our clients particularly appreciate the fact that we provide them with a single contact for all the services they have entrusted to us. This contact is the only person with a full view of the matters concerned. This professional is attentive to their requirements and can thus act in advance and propose appropriate solutions.

Nexia S&A provides its Family Office clients with highly qualified advisors offering a high degree of responsiveness, availability and confidentiality.

Transaction Services

Nexia S&A is recognised in the Private Equity world for its small and midcap Transaction Services. Family Offices will be able to find the advice and support they need for their purchases and sales.

Nexia S&A
31 rue Henri Rochefort
Work +33.1 47 66 77 88