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CSR and SRI consultancy services

CSR and SRI consultancy services

Helping you to design and enhance your CSR strategy

Regardless of what sector you work in, CSR has become a key component of corporate strategy and a vector for creating value and meaning. Aside from the need to respond to the increasing demands of stakeholders (customers, employees, financial partners), deploying a CSR strategy now means fresh opportunities for your business.

The regulations which have governed non-financial reporting for a number of years are changing with the stated aim of extending the scope and mandatory auditing requirements for sustainability reporting.

Under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), from 2025 on, businesses that exceed two of the three required thresholds (headcount > 250, total balance sheet > €20m, turnover > €40m), and companies listed on a regulated market, must publish a sustainability report that complies with EFRAG standards and have it audited by an independent third-party verifier.

With the Disclosure Regulation and the increasing demands of LPs and regulations, designing and deploying an SRI policy adapted to financing and investment strategies is becoming imperative for private equity firms.

Our services

Auditing of voluntarily produced CSR reports

At your behest, we audit your voluntarily published CSR report and issue a statutory auditor’s report. The checks to be performed are devised in liaison with your teams to meet your specific requirements and the expectations of your stakeholders.

Mock audits of non-financial reports

We perform a mock audit of your non-financial report, particularly to identify any non-compliance with new regulations (CSRD, EU green taxonomy) and to enable you to correct this.

Aca Nexia is a COFRAC accredited* independent third-party body that audits companies' mandatory CSR reports (find out more);

* Cofrac (Comité Français d'Accréditation) accreditation, validation/verification section, under number 3-2162, the scope of which is available on

Helping you with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

We help businesses to identify and formally document their ESG initiatives, rank their CSR imperatives, design their CSR strategy and policies, choose appropriate metrics for tracking performance, and build and produce their ESG reporting process.

CSR evaluation Identification of ESG initiatives already taken, key priorities and the maturity of CSR processes.
Action plans Proposed plans of action to improve ESG performance.
ESG Reporting Devising appropriate metrics, designing reporting processes and drafting the sustainability report.
Other services − Assistance and advice with Ecovadis assessments
− Helping you to draft your Global Compact COP
− Determining EU green Taxonomy-eligible economic activities
− Deployment of CSRD Regulation
− Help with applying for CSR labels
− Training your teams

Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) consultancy

We help private equity funds to devise their SRI strategy and policy and deploy it at all stages of the investment process, to collect and monitor their ESG indicators and design their SRI communication in compliance with regulations.

Internal SRI policy Helping with deployment of an SRI policy, procedures and associated performance indicators.
Reporting and other communication Designing ESG reporting and communication processes required under the Disclosure Regulation
When investees are acquired ESG assessments and due diligence, if necessary in liaison with our Transaction Services teams
When investees are sold Pre-sale ESG assessments
Post-deal support services ESG support for investees, followed by an action plan
Other services − Helping with implementing the Disclosure Regulation
− Training the teams
− Organising ESG clubs for investees

Throughout our engagements, we are careful to secure your non-financial data and provide you with added value by sharing our experience and appropriate recommendations.

Nexia S&A
31 rue Henri Rochefort
Work +33.1 47 66 77 88