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Hotel management

Hotel management

Expertise dedicated to the sector

A specialised skill center

Via a dedicated team, Nexia S&A participates on a daily basis in the management of more than sixty hotels located in the country. Our clients are not only hotel groups but also independent hotels, members or not of voluntary chains.

Nexia S&A provides hotel managers with advice for their accounting, payroll and social administration and financial management and draws on the expertise of its teams specialising in information systems, employment law/company law and Transaction Services.

Accounting management and management control

Setting up of the accounting organisation

  • Hotel accounting plan
  • Front/back office liaison
  • Budget procedure and reporting
  • Definition of key indicators

Daily book-keeping and tax returns

  • Complete outsourcing or supervisory mission
  • Optimisation of document flows, dematerialisation, supplier management and cash management

Hotel reporting and statements of accounts with shortened deadlines,

Annual accounts

Coordinated application of accounting, tax and financial management standards and relationship with statutory auditors.

Human Resource Management

Our human resource management team draws up the pay slips of more than 1000 hotel employees every month, fully mastering the specific characteristics of this field: deadlines, types of employees and contracts and collective bargaining agreements. Nexia S&A offers you the following services:

Transaction Services

Our knowledge of the hotel business enables our TS team to assist you in all stages of your transactions:

Nexia S&A
31 rue Henri Rochefort
Work +33.1 47 66 77 88