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Risk management and Internal control

Risk management and Internal control

Reliability of its organization / Optimize its processes

Our commitments:

We respond in a pertinent and concrete way to the different situations you may face

Our team of specialists is able to assist you in the various situations you may encounter. We set up and strengthen your risk management as well as your internal controls.

  • Risk mapping
    • With many years of experience, our team will assist you in identifying your risks and opportunities. We evaluate them in terms of probability and impact.

  • Diagnosis on the maturity of risk management and internal control
    • The objective is to assess the maturity of your risk management and internal control system on key points.
    • For medium-sized companies we propose a diagnosis in 5 days.

  • Compliance with the new regulations: Sapin 2 and RGPD
    • The Sapin 2 law is applicable since June 1, 2017 to companies employing at least 500 employees and whose turnover exceeds € 100 million. It aims at strengthening the fight against corruption.
    • The GDPR in effect from May 2018 aims at strengthening the data protection of the staff, customers, suppliers, prospects and others who are on any computer, server or device - nomadic or fixed - belonging to the company.

  • Continuous improvement of risk management and internal controls
  • Business controls automation and access security
  • Organization and maturity evaluation of a newly acquired company
  • Replacing a project leader or strengthening a team
  • Actions to be implemented in specific / confidential situations

Our know-how:

Sharing trust and expertise

  • Work with confidence
    • A service that involves working with your team with confidence.

  • Benefit from expertise
    • Specialists associated with the mission in areas such as law, taxation and information systems. Depending on the needs, you may benefi from specialists outside our firm.

Nexia S&A
31 rue Henri Rochefort
Work +33.1 47 66 77 88