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Transaction services

Transaction services

Solutions appropriate for your needs

Our commitments

Our know-how: Providing a solution appropriate to the requirements of a transaction

Our team of Transaction Service specialists can assist you throughout a purchase or sale process, providing you with all their know-how to meet your financial, strategic and economic needs as closely as possible.

Buy-Side Due Diligence

Drawing on many years of experience in the transaction field, our team assists you in your purchase projects through identification of the risks and key points of the transaction and optimisation of the value of the transaction.

Vendor Due Diligence / Vendor Assistance

In a sale operation, we intervene before the transaction to help you to make your sale process secure by communicating consistent and secure information to potential purchasers while at the same time maximising your valuation and minimising the time spent on the sale process by management, thus enabling it to focus on the daily operation of the company.

Assistance in negotiation of financial terms

In a purchase or sale operation, we can work in conjunction with our lawyers to formulate or review the financial clauses included in an LOI or an SPA in order to make constructive suggestions for protection through mechanisms for price adjustment, definition of monetary aggregates (EBITDA, Net Debt, reference WCR, etc.) and guarantee of assets and liabilities.

Assisting companies beyond transactions

Far from limiting its interventions to transactions alone, our team uses its financial and strategic expertise to formulate appropriate solutions for the company's economic needs, in close collaboration with your teams:

Business guidance

Our team helps you to analyse the financial performances of your company and your subsidiaries, if necessary, and assists you in reviewing, assessing and setting up your reporting tools.

Cash management

In a tense economic context, Working Capital Requirement management has now become the best safeguard against the liquidity crisis. Our teams therefore assist you in the construction of cash flow plans and the definition of WCR optimisation strategies.

Risk management

Because a company may at times experience economic or financial difficulties, our team can help you to make a detailed financial assessment of the past, present and projected situation and draw up a recovery plan with you.

Communicating with third parties

When communication between shareholders and directors has temporarily broken down, we conduct the financial and economic analyses necessary for a business review and thus contribute to the production of management tools intelligible to all stakeholders in the company.

Independent Business Review

When there is doubt about the company's ability to meet its deadlines or fulfil its agreements, our team intervenes in an Independent Business Review (IBR) for objective and independent clarification of the company's real state of health in order to provide assistance in negotiations for all stakeholders in the financial restructuring and inform their thinking.

OUR INTERPERSONAL SKILLS: sharing trust and experience acquired

Repaying your trust

Our clients' trust has enabled our team to intervene in all capital investment sectors and on behalf of strategic investors, on a variety of scales in many different sectors of activity.

Capitalising on strong references in different sectors

The seniority and experience of our team of specialists guarantee that you will be able to count on strong references in the main sectors of the economy (retail, transport, logistics, industry, communication, technology, luxury goods, cosmetics, chemicals, leisure, tourism, services, consulting, agri-food sector, automobile sector, health, construction, etc.).

Aligning our fees with your needs

Nexia S&A
31 rue Henri Rochefort
Work +33.1 47 66 77 88