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Accounting and tax

Accounting and tax

Understanding and controlling performance

A special permanent source of advice to companies

Our training and our experience place us at the crossroads between numerous fields essential to enable companies to well operate and make us a preferred advisor for our clients.

Support, advice and added value

Annual financial statements

Tax advice

Legal assistance

As a complement to our main services, our team of legal experts carries out everyday legal secretarial work, including in particular formalities for convening of meetings, drafting of minutes and participation in meetings of management bodies and in general meetings, and provides advice and support for specific operations.

Partner of financial departments

We offer our expertise to companies temporarily in need of expert assistance for accounting and tax problems .

Certain events in a company's life (absences, internal reorganisation, etc.) can threaten the ongoing production of financial information and fulfilment of your obligations.

Nexia S&A offers you temporary assistance tailored to your needs and helps you in all areas of production of financial information, reinforcing the accounting teams or providing additional expertise.

Our mastery of international GAAP enables us to understand the accounting constraints imposed on the financial departments of groups of companies.

Examples of missions carried out by Nexia S&A

Outsourcing of accounting function

You are seeking an outsourced organisation incorporating a complete accounting function including::

We propose an organisation which makes wide use of dematerialisation, we standardise accounting tasks to reduce the time taken to produce accounting information.

Our solution comprises several services which we customise according to needs. In addition to full handling of your accounting operations, this solution includes in particular:

At the time of annual closing of your accounts, we prepare the financial and tax statements and assist you in coordinated application of accounting, tax and financial management standards. We conduct relations with statutory auditors.

Nexia S&A
31 rue Henri Rochefort
Work +33.1 47 66 77 88