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Who we are

A leading actor of audit and consulting

Nexia S&A 1 68,5 M€ 540 56 10th 9th
firm fees employees partners in audit in Transactions
Nexia 123+ 2,9 b$ 26 149 624 13th 12th
countries fees employees offices worldwide network in Europe

Who we are

A range of experts in SME service with an international dimension.

Nexia S&A, a player in auditing and advising, provides relevant solutions and support to its clients in the financial and accounting areas.

Nexia S&A gathers 540 professionals including 56 partners and serves nearly 3500 customers in audit, accounting, transaction services, financial consulting and social management.

The teams have acquired a solid international experience and they support their customers, throughout the Nexia network in most countries over the 5 continents.

Our ambition

Being recognized as a leading player on the French market.

Nexia S&A's ambition is to be recognized by the SMEs in France as a key player for audit and advisory activities in accounting and finance.

This ambition requires the preservation of our independence, characterized by the total control of the capital by the partners and the implementation of a controlled growth strategy. The Nexia network consists of independent members and non-affiliates.

n so doing, the Nexia S&A teams always look for more creative solutions to the benefit of their clients.

Our values

Team Spirit
Involvement, attentiveness, mutual respect.

Transparency, loyalty, integrity.

Added values
Expertise, pragmatism, capitalization and transmission of experience.

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Nexia S&A
31 rue Henri Rochefort
Work +33.1 47 66 77 88