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Financial restructuring

Financial restructuring

Analyse, Restructure, Rebound

Whether originally structural or cyclical, various endogenous or exogenous factors may lead a business into a crisis, no matter at which development stage it might be (growth, maturity, etc.). Anticipating the management of these factors and identifying appropriate solutions as early as possible is vital to maximise leverages and possibilities for rebound.

Your Challenges

Relying on a financial restructuring advisor means optimising the chances of a successful and sustainable turnaround by gaining in efficiency and time, allowing the general and financial management teams to focus on the strategy and management of the business.

Our Key Services

Our engagement proposals are tailor-made in order to match your situation and the particular issues of your business.


Our Independent Business Review (IBR) provides a reliable and objective analysis of the financial situation of a business, and allows to:

Crisis exit plan

Our modelling and analysis of restructuring scenarios show the impact of operational and financial measures on the forecasts, in order to:

Distressed M&A

We assist the buyers of distressed companies in the analysis of the planned investment (buy-side) in order to identify the financing needs, considering the specificities of a distressed transaction (liabilities transferred to the acquiror, reconstitution of working capital, etc.).

We also assist shareholders (funds and corporate) in the sale of underperforming branches of activity or subsidiaries (sell-side).

Our Approach

Our technical know-how is based on a rigorous financial methodological approach coupled with a mastery of the specificities and common pitfalls to avoid in a distressed context, in order to deliver robust analysis, presented in a clear and concise manner.

A Methodology That Is…

Our technical know-how is based on a rigorous financial methodological approach coupled with a mastery of the specificities of a distressed context, in order to deliver solid analysis, presented in a clear and synthetic manner.


Our teams work in close collaboration with yours and those of your consultants. We listen to your needs and maximize the potential of your financial data, ensuring that you remain in control of your financial information.

…And Solution-Oriented

We analyse the root causes of the deterioration of the financial situation and highlight the levers for optimizing your performance, in order to bring out your solutions for overcoming the crisis.

Nexia S&A
31 rue Henri Rochefort
Work +33.1 47 66 77 88