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Towards a strengthening of joint audit in Europe for listed groups?

The European Parliament in its report on competition policy recommends to the European Commission a certain number of measures to fight against the virtual monopoly of the Big Four in the audit of listed companies. In particular, it recommends making joint auditing compulsory in order to allow other audit firms "to acquire the skills necessary to audit the largest companies". The French model has long since integrated the obligation of the practice of joint statutory auditors. There are few alternative players to the Big Four and Aca Nexia is one of them and offers listed companies the possibility of forming effecient and harmonious team of joint auditors.

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DEFTA and Nexia: Full-speed ahead

What makes me want to continue my collaboration with Nexia network is having a single contact, real conductor, trustworthy, who allows me to have an overview of practices, beyond our borders. I know that everything is under control.» (Defta CFO)

An Aca Nexia Client since the mid-2000s, DEFTA is representative of a fruitful and emblematic collaboration for the Nexia network. DEFTA is the number one spare parts supplier for the automotive industry. Its technologies include stamping, cutting, assembling metal parts, molding, machining, wire work, and tube and surface treatments.

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Nexia S&A
31 rue Henri Rochefort
Work +33.1 47 66 77 88