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Review of the Nexia Network Annual Conference 2023 in Buenos Aires

News : international


From November 9th to 11th of 2023, Buenos Aires hosted the Annual Conference of the Nexia Network, bringing together members from around the world for three days of sharing, exchange, and cohesion.

Jérôme Cayroche, Benjamin Gohet, Jean-Baptiste Hervet, Bettina Koegler, Olivier Lelong, and Frédéric Santos, partners at Nexia S&A, along with other international members, had the pleasure of welcoming a delegation of 20 partners from Nexia Germany to celebrate their integration into the network.

The event was marked by technical sessions, business group meetings, and plenary sessions addressing key topics for Nexia’s development, as well as informal exchange moments that strengthened the bonds among the members.

An essential gathering for network members, fostering efficiency and smooth collaboration on international projects for clients and contributing to the richness of the Nexia experience.


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