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Aca Nexia's governance is evolving

News : the cabinet life


Olivier Lelong has been appointed Chairman of Aca Nexia starting September 1, 2020, replacing François Mahé, Chairman of Aca Nexia since 2005, who has decided to cease his managerial functions and to gradually slow down his professional activity during this year 2020-2021 by continuing to follow a few clients and devoting himself to carrying out consulting assignments.

The firm’s management committee is composed of 3 partners, Olivier Lelong, Chairman, Olivier Juramie and Daniel Buchoux, Managing Directors. The firm is organized into departments: the audit department headed by Olivier Juramie, the expertise and consulting activities led by Olivier Lelong, and the Transaction Services activity, whose management has been entrusted to Fabrice Huglin, a partner of the firm since 2005. Philipe Mendes, partner since 2010, involved in public accounting, is in charge of the digital transformation of the firm.

Olivier Lelong and François Mahé joined Aca Nexia at the end of 1998, after 12 and 17 years at KPMG, with the aim of succeeding the firm’s founder. This objective was achieved in 2005 in an operation in which Olivier Juramie took part and became a partner. At the end of 2015, Cera became part of the firm and Daniel Buchoux, one of Cera’s two directors, joined the management committee.

From 2005 to 2020, the firm’s fees were multiplied by 6.5 with a tripling of the firm’s employees from 2016 to 2019. This expansion combined organic and external growth in comparable proportions. Organic growth accelerated from 2013 onwards and 3 successive mergers were concluded between 2015 and 2017.

Aca Nexia is pursuing its ambition to strengthen its position as a national player recognized by SMEs and ETIs for its audit and consulting activities in the accounting and financial fields, both for the excellence of its services and for the quality of its customers and its teams. Aca Nexia cultivates its assets: the proximity of its partners and managers to its clients, an evolving service offer, the rise of digital technology, the development of CSR and the international dimension cultivated for more than 20 years within the Nexia International network.

This ambition involves preserving the firm’s independence, which is characterized by the partners’ total control of the firm, united around shared values, the foundation of affectio societatis: ethics, loyalty, competence, work and sharing.

About Aca Nexia

Aca Nexia, a player in auditing and advising, provides relevant solutions and support to its clients in the financial and accounting areas. Aca Nexia gathers 230 professionals including 21 partners and serves nearly 1500 customers, SMEs and ETIs, in audit, accounting, transaction services, financial consulting and social management. The teams have acquired a solid international experience and they support their customers, throughout the Nexia network in most countries over the 5 continents.


Olivier LELONG, President

Jaimie MAYET, Marketing manager


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