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Appointment of 2 partners

News : the cabinet life


Aca Nexia, now has 17 partners including Geraldine Conte and Nady Bendaoud, who have just been appointed.

Geraldine Conte began his career as an auditor with a stint at Aca Nexia. She then held several positions within finance departments of various international groups. With 15 years of experience, she joined Aca Nexia in 2014 and became head of the Foreign Desk, a team specializing in services to foreign companies investing in France.

Nady Bendaoud has spent most of his career within the Cera firm that has been integrated with Aca Nexia in January 2016. As a specialist of financial and accounting outsourcing, he accompanied many companies, particularly in the area of hotel industry, which is one of the firm’s references.

These appointments affirm the ambition of Aca Nexia to be a leading player in audit and consulting, for ETI and SME.

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