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Middlenext and Aca Nexia, more than 10 years of partnership

News : the cabinet life


Aca Nexia had the pleasure of sponsoring the annual Middlenext members dinner on January 17, honoring more than 10 years of collaboration.

Middlenext is an association that helps its members, listed medium-sized companies, SMEs and midcaps, to apply increasingly complex regulations, which most often have been designed for very large companies. Middlenext is at their side to help them, offers training through its institute, represents them with the supervisory authorities and the public authorities and promotes them to the financial community.

Middlenext organizes about 80 information meetings every year with senior executives, nearly a third of them in the regions. Among its successes, Middlenext has recognized the status of ““VaMPs”“, Medium and Small Value, and works to extend it to the European level. It has also designed a ““Corporate Governance Code”” which was updated in 2016 and to which more than 200 French listed companies refer. His latest publication, ““How to choose your quotation market? Is a comprehensive guide that covers the distinctive elements of the Euronext and Euronext Growth markets through 16 themes.
Aca Nexia became a partner of Middlenext in 2007 and since then has been involved in all areas of the association’s work and projects. The values ​​and objectives of Aca Nexia are in perfect harmony with those of Middlenext.
In 2018, the partners of Aca Nexia led 12 training sessions (IFRS15, IFRS 16, Impairment tests, …) and contributed to the realization of the 2nd edition of the guide ““How to organize financial information on your website”” and of issue 11 ““How to choose your quotation market”“. Since the beginning of these 10 years of partnership, Aca Nexia has increased its activity by 4, passing the milestone in 2018 of 20 partners and 200 employees. Its presence alongside listed companies has continued to assert itself in Audit, Transactions Services, Consulting in Risk Management and CSR, and Accounting Expertise.


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