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The Nexia network is growing

News : the cabinet life


Kevin Arnold, CEO of Nexia International, recently said, "As a global network, we are determined to strengthen our presence in key strategic markets around the world for the benefit of our members and their customers."

This development strategy initiated a few years ago, which aims at integrating new members, continues its momentum. This month, two new firms joined the 10th global network, one in Great Britain and one in Spain.
First Names in the UK, the business outsourcing branch of First Names group, which employs 700 people worldwide. Their experts help multinationals in the areas of auditing, taxation and social management.
Audalia Laes Nexia in Spain, was formed by the merger of Audalia (MSI member) and Laes a historical member of Nexia. The new group has over 100 employees and offers a wide range of services in audit, insurance, HR, legal, tax, and social. It aims at developing its service offering to increase by 6% to its turnover the coming year.
These two new members reinforce the worldwide presence of Nexia, in order to offer customers the answers to their growing international requirements.


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