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Nexia S&A will be participating in the 2024 Finance Leaders’ Summit

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Nexia S&A will return as a partner at the Finance Leaders’ Summit during its 14th edition, taking place on Wednesday, May 29.

Organized by Décideurs Corporate Finance, this new edition will address, among other topics, the themes of Fintech and AI, which are currently trending due to their exponential growth.

Finance Leaders' Summit 2024
This event will gather nearly 800 participants, including 55 speakers who will discuss current themes and issues. The goal is to stimulate reflection through exchanges in the form of conferences and workshops, accompanied by a gala dinner, all with the aim of sharing insights with finance experts, staying informed about current topics, and identifying new opportunities while expanding one’s network.

Christophe Sauthon, Associate Director responsible for Consulting and Transformation at Nexia S&A, will have the opportunity to open the event during the Summit’s Opening Plenary. In this respect, he will address the topic of artificial intelligence, surrounded by both fear and fascination among businesses.

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