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Aca Nexia Featured in CFNEWS’ 2021 League Tables

News : transaction services


CFNEWS' latest League Tables Financial Due Diligence ranking features Aca Nexia with 84 deals closed (130+ due diligences carried out), accounting for a 50% growth in activity. This outcome supports the firm's position as a leading specialist in Transaction Services in France, ranking 9th in M&A, LBO and Expansion Capital transactions, and amongst the top 3 for companies valued up to €50m across all markets.

This ranking highlights the commitment and confidence demonstrated by our much-valued clients and partners, along with the genuine dedication displayed by our teams, who have shown unfailing professionalism despite the current context. Our promising number of closings since the beginning of the year (IMAAT, Chocmod, Naturopera, Opendatasoft, …), combined with the launch of our Restructuring offer, ought to ensure that 2022 will be a meaningful year for our Advisory department.

Our teams remain available to assist you in carrying out your financial due diligence, sell-side and buy-side operations, and to provide you with relevant and appropriate support.


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