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Aca Nexia ranks 8th among TS firms

News : transaction services


Aca Nexia was ranked 8th French TS player in 2016 by CF news

Aca Nexia carried out 129 operations in 2016 of which 61 were closed, which ranks the firm 8th according to the ranking established by CF News, the same as in 2015 and confirms a presence of more than 10 years in the TOP 10 of the Transaction Services players in France. Aca Nexia is ranked 6th for LBO operations, the leading transaction services category.
The Aca Nexia TS business grew by 42% in a market that grew by 27%.
Aca Nexia reinforces its position in the landscape by cultivating its specific characteristics and intends to continue its progress in terms of number of projects and size of operation.
The dynamism of the TS business is strongly contributing to the overall development of Aca Nexia, which doubled its size from 2014 to 2016 and continues today with gobal sustained organic growth.

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