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Info Deal : Antoine & Lili

News : transaction services


Aca Nexia Transaction Services teams have realized the Financial Due Diligence for Dzeta Conseil on the behalf of the acquisition of Antoine & Lili, a ready-to-wear Parisian brand.

Historically held by two managers, the Parisian ready-to-wear brand Antoine & Lili is taken by a new manager and Dzeta Conseil. With 17 stores including 2 in franchise in Switzerland, the company is specialized in the clothes and accesories for both women and child. It generates a € 7m of turnover and employs 47 people. The new shareholders are not novice in this industry as Ms. Benhamou headed Chloé and Tout Compte Fait while Dzeta Conseil invested in La Fée Maraboutée between 2010 and 2012. Their goal is to triple in size in the coming years by focusing on international and a more develop presence on Internet.

Target company : Antoine & Lili • Buyers : Dzeta Conseil (Grégoire Darmon), Manager (Judith Benhamou) • Vendor : Founders (Martine Senac, Alexandre Gattegno) • Consels to investors : financial due diligence : Aca Nexia (Hervé Krissi, Hervé Teran) ; tax structuring : Pinot de Villechenon & Associés (Gilles Roux) ; legal : LMBE Avocats (François Veuillot) • Consels to the company : M&A : Raphaël Financial Advisory (Florent Haïk) ; tax structuring : KMS Associés (Lionel Koehler-Magne) • Managers business lawyer : Goodwin Procter (Jérôme Jouhanneaud)


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