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Info Deal : Capital Santé

News : transaction services


Aca Nexia Transaction Services teams have realized the Financial Due Diligence for Stimulus on the behalf of the takevoer of Capital Santé.

Founded in 1989, Stimulus is a consulting firm specialized in occupational health which employs 70 people. It has just acquired Capital Santé, small firm of 10 employees previously held by the group Julhiet-Sterwen and generating € 2m of turnover. The transaction is accompanied by Turenne Capital and Bpifrance. The new entity intends to pursue its growth and become a key player in the market. It represents a consolidated revenues of nearly € 12m and aims to reach € 15m in the next three years. It already accompanies more than 250 companies in their occupational health issues.

Target company : Capital Santé • Buyers : Stimulus (David Mahé, Gaelle Zinkiewicz), Turenne Capital (Paul Chamoulaud, Benoît Pastour), Bpifrance (François Picarle) • Vendor : Julhiet Sterwen (Marc Sabatier), Founder (Romain Cristofini) • Conseils to investors : financial due diligence : Aca Nexia (Hervé Krissi) ; tax structuring : Lamartine Conseil (Gary Lévy, Aude Marcheux)


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