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Info Deal : Human Race

News : transaction services


Aca Nexia Transaction Services have completed the Financial Due Diligence for ASO on the behalf of the takeover of Human Race.

New era for Human Race. The group is acquired by the company Amaury Sport Organisation (ASO) to the actual manager and two funds : Epsilon Partners and Calculus Capital. Organizer of about thirty mass sporting events (triathlon, cycling and running), the company gathers more than 350 000 participants every year. Founded in 1990, Human Race employs actually 20 people who are going to merge with the 300 employees of ASO. This group organises worldwide-known sport events like the Tour de France and the Paris-Dakar rally and will now count 70 events each year. ASO has generated a turnover of almost € 210m during the last exercise.

Target company : Human Race • Buyer : Amaury Sport Organisation (Jean-Etienne Amaury) • Vendor : Epsilon Partners, Calculus Capital • Consels to investors : financial due diligence : Aca Nexia (Hervé Krissi, Olivier Duval ; tax structuring : NFA (Jacquet Nataf, Etienne, Rizk) • Consels to vendors : tax structuring : Onside Law


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