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Info Deal : Safir

News : transaction services


Aca Nexia completed the financial Vendor Due Diligence on the Safir Group, which signs the exit of Alliance Entreprendre, CM-CIC Investissement and CM-CIC Capital Privé, for the benefit of the group Accedia Capital.

Seven years after having taken over from MBO Partners in the capital of Safir, CM CIC Investissement, funds managed by Alliance Entreprendre and CM CIC Capital Privé pass to Accedia Capital after a process entrusted to Clairfield International. Funds and Industrials were invited and it is finally Dominique Pinault’s group, specialized in electronic security, access control, video surveillance and the automation of industrial and residential doors and gates that won. The financiers, who had injected € 5.2m in 2011 into the capital of this specialist in the design and manufacture of portals and doors, are silent on the financial terms. The SME led by Paul-Marie Edwards has gone through turbulent times. While it achieved € 21.5 million in turnover in 2010 with 98 people, it now has € 22 million with the same number of employees, knowing that, over the period, it proceeded to a small acquisition but also on the sale of an activity. Focused on its core business, it “accompanies the recovery of the market and expects a turnover of € 25 million in 2018” explain Camille Chosseler and Bertrand Penicaud, Investment Director and Associate Director at Alliance Entreprendre.


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