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Info deal: Ouvéo

News : transaction services


Aca Nexia performed due diligence for Ouvéo the window manufacturer who takes over the carpentry Seeuws located in Masnières (59).

“The Gironde window manufacturer Ouvéo, supported by Alliance Entreprendre, Siparex and Galia Gestion, takes over the carpentry Seeuws for € 6 million in revenues. The new group aims to generate a turnover of € 60 million this year.
Less than a year after its LBO ter with Alliance Entreprendre, Siparex and Galia Gestion (read below), Ouvéo sets out to conquer new territories. The manufacturer of Girondin windows and shutters arrives in fact the carpentry Seeuws, located in Masnières (59), to deploy in the northeast quarter of France. This merger complements Ouvéo’s geographic development strategy, which had already acquired Provelis in 2014 to open up in the Grand Est (see below). Today, it is present throughout France. With an additional € 6 million, the new group plans to reach turnover of € 60 million this year (compared to € 52 million currently). The operation was financed by means of a debt arranged by Grand Ouest Syndication and Helia Conseil.
The company will also change its name and become “Ouvéo Hauts-de-France”. Investments (up to 1.2 million euros initially) will be made at the Masnières site, starting in 2020 with the acquisition of a new aluminum machining center. Recruitments will also take place, including two salespeople who will strengthen the Seeuws sales team, which is currently made up of four salespeople. Investments that should increase the turnover of carpentry. ““Seeuws currently generates six million euros in turnover,”” explains Jean-Luc Nouveau, President of the Ouvéo group, and we anticipate a target of 15/18 million euros within three to five years. A goal in line with the other companies in our group whose turnover ranges from 15 to 28 million euros. For Ouvéo, we expect to exceed a turnover of 60 million euros at the end of 2020 for 52 million euros currently ”


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