Nexia S&A retains first place in the Private Equity ‘Transaction Advisory’ ranking in the ‘Excellent’ category for the second consecutive year.
News : transaction services
A specialist in financial, strategic and legal news, Décideurs magazine publishes an annual ranking reflecting the reputation of Transaction Services consultancies serving private equity players. Nexia S&A confirms its leadership by retaining, for the second consecutive year, first place in the ‘Private Equity - Transaction Services Consultancy’ ranking in the ‘Excellent’ category.
With more than 130 operations carried out in 2023-2024, results in line with those of the previous year, Nexia S&A continues to perform despite an uncertain/unfavourable economic context for market players. Nexia S&A confirms its position as the preferred partner of investment funds and strategic buyers for their financial, legal, tax, social, ESG and IT due diligence operations, both in France and abroad thanks to the support of the Nexia International network.