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Jérôme CAYROCHE is the Chief Executive Officer of Nexia S&A.

Jérôme currently advises the finance departments of companies (SMEs, large groups, French subsidiaries of foreign companies), providing guidance and operational support (delegating human and technical skills) in the areas of accounting/finance (complex projects), consolidation (French and IFRS standards) and corporate taxation (structuring, tax consolidation).

He is also involved in transformation and data analytics assignments for the Finance function.

Jérôme has a wealth of experience and references, both as a chartered accountant and as a statutory auditor, in many sectors of the economy, particularly services and industry.

He is a graduate of ICS Bégué and is certified by the CCEF (Compagnie des Conseils et Experts Financiers) as a business valuator. He joined Nexia S&A in 1989.

Nexia S&A
31 rue Henri Rochefort
Work +33.1 47 66 77 88