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Philippe MENDES

Philippe MENDES, a Chartered Accountant and Partner at Nexia S&A, carries out advisory and audit missions for SMEs.

Having developed expertise in setting up consolidated accounts within SME groups under French and IFRS standards, he assists and advises finance departments throughout the process of drawing up consolidated accounts, from gathering information to producing the final consolidated accounts. As a chartered accountant, he assists senior managers with management issues that include accounting and tax aspects, as part of setting up management charts and closing out accounts with tax consolidation in particular.

His experiences have led him to work extensively in the hospitality, real estate, industry, and services sectors.

A graduate of ENOES in 2001, Philippe MENDES joined Nexia S&A in 2001 and became a partner in 2010.

Nexia S&A
31 rue Henri Rochefort
Work +33.1 47 66 77 88