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Bernard HOMMEL

Chartered accountant and statutory auditor at Nexia S&A, Bernard HOMMEL is a partner at the Nexia S&A office in Argenteuil.

He specializes in assisting business leaders in negotiations in various situations and in providing services to entities in crisis, particularly in the context of amicable and collective procedures.

His experiences have led him to work in various sectors such as real estate, maritime services, publishing, industrial subcontracting, and live entertainment.

Bernard has also been a member of the departmental tax commission of Hauts de Seine and Val d’Oise for many years.

A chartered accountant graduate in 1986, Bernard HOMMEL has nearly 40 years of professional experience. Starting his career as a partner at the THEMIS firm in 1987 after spending 5 years at Fiduciaire Continentale Paris, which later became PwC, he took over the FLEURY firm in 2010. He joined Nexia S&A in 2015 and kept the operational management of the Argenteuil office until 2021.

Nexia S&A
31 rue Henri Rochefort
Work +33.1 47 66 77 88