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Pascal COSSÉ

Associate director

Managing Director at Nexia S&A, Pascal COSSÉ is a chartered accountant and statutory auditor and co-manages the Asset Management division through his subsidiary SFPB A&C.

He specialises in asset management and has 35 years’ experience in auditing mutual funds and portfolio management companies.

His experience has led him to work as an auditor in a variety of sectors, including banking, services and commerce, and he has acquired extensive experience in the non-profit sector working for associations and foundations.

He is also involved in professional bodies within the CNCC, as a member of the UCI Commission and the FIA Real Estate working group.

A chartered accountant since 1992, Pascal Cossé joined SFPB A&C in 1984 and has been Managing Partner of Nexia S&A since 2018.

Nexia S&A
31 rue Henri Rochefort
Work +33.1 47 66 77 88